FaceCompare Plus

Morphological Facial Comparison

Compare any two facial images side-by-side, without the need for a full facial recognition system.

DataWorks Plus is very excited to offer our new FaceCompare Plus Morphological Comparison toolset, which is available at an affordable rate for any agency nationwide!

As a long-time provider of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice investigative toolsets, DataWorks Plus has successfully implemented Morphological Comparison capability to several agencies both domestically and internationally. Since Morphological Comparison toolsets are generally tied to larger, costlier products (e.g. Facial Recognition systems), our primary goal in creating FaceCompare Plus was to create a full-featured “standalone” Morphological Comparison tool that ANY agency can obtain at the lowest possible cost. A demonstration of our FaceCompare Plus solution’s capabilities can be viewed within the following video:


In addition to providing the industry-leading toolsets needed for Morphological Comparison, DataWorks Plus offers both basic and advanced Morphological Comparison training. Since Morphological Comparison is an open-ended toolset with numerous investigative possibilities, DataWorks Plus can provide in-depth workflows so that customers can maximize the effectiveness of this toolset within their investigations. Basic functionality training is included with the product at no additional cost, and can be provided online via teleconferencing. Advanced training is provided directly on-site at your agency via hands-on instruction, and can be purchased as an option. Quotes for advanced training can be provided upon request.

DataWorks Plus Face Compare Screen Shot

DataWorks Plus Face Compare Screen Shot 2

For more information:

If you would like to learn how this powerful technology can help your agency, you can contact us at any time by emailing us directly at FaceCompare@dataworksplus.com. Thank you very much for your consideration of our products. We are excited to see how this solution will benefit your agency!

FaceCompare Plus

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about our FaceCompare Plus Morphological Comparison.

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